Mikogo meeting settings

Mikogo offers a variety of additional settings which you can easily enable or disable. Some settings will be effective for the entire session and can only be changed prior to starting a session, while others can also be changed during a session.

Open the Mikogo Settings


To open the settings drawer, click on the settings2.png button in the software panel.

Before Starting a Session

The following settings are available in the Settings drawer when you do not have an active Mikogo session running:

  1. Language: You can change the software language. This will change all texts in the software into your selected language. The software is available in over 30 languages.
  2. Disable Windows Aero Effect: In recent releases of Windows operating systems, window frames are partly transparent which Microsoft refers to as "Aero effect". By default, Mikogo will temporarily disable the aero effect on your computer when you start a Mikogo session to facilitate the screen sharing. It will return after the sessions ends.
  3. Show panel always on top: The "panel" refers to the Mikogo software window. By default, the panel will appear on top of all other software applications and windows that you have open during your session. You can uncheck this to force the Mikogo panel behind other windows.
  4. Start program at computer startup: By checking this, Mikogo will automatically run each time you start your computer. If you do not want this, you can just uncheck this setting.
  5. Show balloon help tips: To assist new users, the Mikogo software will display balloon tips when you open a new drawer or feature in the software. If you are familiar with the software and don't need any assistance, you can uncheck this setting here and the balloon tips will no longer be displayed.
  6. Create connection log: By checking this setting, a small log file will be created and will contain important connection details about your Mikogo sessions. The connection log is saved in the same directory as the Mikogo software on your computer. If you ever encounter a problem using our software and contact our support team, it helps our support technicians greatly to see this connection log in determining the cause of any problems. If our support team asks you for a connection log, you will need to have this setting here checked.
  7. Pause Text: This is the text that will be displayed on your participants' screens when you pause the session. See this article about pausing a session. You can edit this and enter a custom text message of your choice.
  8. Saved Recording Location: This allows you to set the folder on your computer where your recorded sessions will be saved. By default the standard saving location is / Documents / Mikogo / records. Use this setting to change the saved recording location on your computer. See this article for more details about the Mikogo Recording feature.
  9. If required, you can manually enter your Proxy Information.
  10. Clicking the button Check for updates will inform you whether a new version of Mikogo is available for download.



During a Session

Under the Settings Preferences tab, you can:

  1. Select the language. The Mikogo software is available in over 30 languages. There is no need to download additional software to use Mikogo in a different language. Just select the language from the drop-down menu and the software interface will instantly switch into the new language.
  2. Set the picture quality. This influences the transmission speed. If you select the maximum quality, the image will be transmitted in true color and if you select the minimum quality, the image will be transmitted in grey-scale, however the speed of the desktop sharing increases.
  3. Set the presenter scale to decrease your screen resolution and increase the speed of your presentation. You can adjust and set the presenter scale under “Settings” in the software either during or before you start a session.
  4. Choose to show the software panel always on top (or not) of other applications that you have running on your screen during a meeting.
  5. Activate the Instant screen build-up (this feature optimizes Mikogo’s bandwidth usage for remote support, but is not recommended for presentations)
  6. Show the balloon help tips to the left of the Mikogo panel
  7. Decide if a connection log should be saved (used for support purposes


In the Features tab (grey arrow) you will find a list of features which you can turn on and off during your session. Simply uncheck the box and the feature will no longer be available to the presenter or viewer(s). You can bring the feature back by checking the box again.

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