How can I change the presenter in a Mikogo session?

During a session, you can change the presenter role to any of your participants to see their screen. Here is a video on how to switch presenter in Mikogo, or read the article below:

1. Start a session with the Standard Profile.

2. Click on the Participant List    

3. To change the presenter role to someone else in your session, click on the drop-down arrow under "Presenter" and select the name of the participant whose screen you would like to see.

4. The person you selected will receive a message asking whether he or she wants to start sharing their desktop. As soon as they accept, they will become the presenter.

Note: If you see that your participant's name is written in grey, this indicates that the participant joined your session using the HTML Viewer instead of the Connection Program and you will not be able to select this participant as a presenter. Please advise your participants to select the Connection Program (download option) when they visit to join your session.

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