The Profile Manager enables you to create a variety of different profiles with different features tailored for different use cases.
You can access the Profile Manager via the icon when you are not in the middle of an active session. Then you can select from a variety of different Profile Settings to create and always have your favorite Profiles available.
To create a new Profile, just click the Plus in the bottom-left corner. By clicking the X you can delete a profile, with the Arrow you can set it as the default profile, and with the Tool button you can edit your saved Profiles.
After you have selected your options, please click on Save to complete your Profile.
If you click on the Plus you will have the following options:
Via setting the Picture Quality you can influence the transmission speed. If you select the maximum quality, the image will be transmitted in true color and if you select the minimum quality, the image will be transmitted in grey-scale, however the speed of the desktop sharing increases.
By enabling New Applications, all newly-opened applications during a session will be shown to your participants.
Furthermore, you can choose if you want to show your Desktop, Taskbar & System tray or Mikogo Panel. By disabling Wallpaper you can reduce the transmission volume and achieve an even faster performance level.
Instant Screen Build-Up shows image changes on the participants’ screens as soon as they are transmitted. As a result, the image within a participant’s screen changes immediately after the first changes are transmitted. Due to the effect of the screen piecing together (screen changes will appear moving from top to bottom), we recommend that you only enable it for support sessions (as you can move faster), or alternatively when showing a presentation containing many pictures.
You can also define if a session password is always needed or if the recording should start automatically – this ensures that the recording feature will instantly start upon starting a session.
On the Feature tab you can set which features the Presenter and the Viewer are able to use during a session. Furthermore you can either enable or disable the Participant List. If you disable the Participant List, the participants will be unable to see who else has joined the session.
The Viewer Pointer enables your participants to click within their viewer window which will place an arrow with their name on your (as the presenter) screen for several seconds. As a result you can interact with your participants and any questions your participants have can be answered more easily, since they can point directly on your screen even without being granted remote control.
The standard Initial Viewing Direction is set to Show, meaning that the participants will see your screen. The Profile Manager allows you to set the Initial Viewing Direction for each Profile, e.g. View & Control another’s screen if you only use Mikogo for support or Show your screen if you only do presentations or trainings. If you use Mikogo for different use cases you can create more Profiles which are suitablefor each use case.
After you have selected your options, please click on Save to complete your Profile.
If you’re interested in using online meetings for different use cases, we have a free guide on a variety of different everyday applications which can be facilitated via online meetings. Download the white paper for free from our Online Meeting Resources page.