Hiding applications from the participants’ view (Application Selection)

With the Application Selection you can select which applications you want to show to (or hide from) your participants, as shown in the screenshot and video below:


The Application Selection drawer displays all applications which are currently open on your computer. The applications with a blue tick are being shared with your participants, while the un-ticked applications are hidden and overlapped in blue so your participants cannot see them.



The Back Monitor below the application selection area shows you a preview window of exactly what your participants can see on your screen. This way you can be sure which windows and applications are being shown or hidden.

If you are using multiple monitors with your computer, you can select if you want to show one, more or all monitors to your participants. Just select which monitors you want to share via the checkmarks below the back monitor. It is possible to share up to four monitors at once during a session.

Please note that this feature is currently only available on Windows, and not on Mac.

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