Mikogo VoIP features and settings

 1.         When the organizer or a participant speaks into the microphone, the phone symbol next to their name will change into a green speaking handset symbol voip6.png.



 2.         Participants are able to mute and unmute their microphones by opening the drop-down menu next to their name in the Participant List and selecting “Mute”.


When muted, the participant’s handset will then appear red.



 3.         If a participant has several microphone or speaker options connected to their computer, they can switch between the different microphones/speakers by opening the drop-down menus within the Voice Conferencing drawer.



 4.         By clicking on the little white settings cog next to “Voice Conferencing” in the title of the drawer, users can open the “Advanced Audio Settings”. This is available for both organizers and participants. These settings allow you to adjust your microphone sensitivity as well as select the noise reduction and echo cancellation features. Adjusting your microphone sensitivity is advised when background noises are being picked up by your microphone.



If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your VoIP calls, we have a free best practices guide to assist: The Ultimate Guide to Hosting VoIP Conferences. Download the white paper for free from our Online Meeting Resources page.

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