Starting a Mikogo session

To start a session, please click on the micon icon and the Mikogo Panel appears:


Note: the micon icon is located in the system tray for Windows and the menu bar for Mac.

To start a session, first open the “Account Information” drawer and enter your Mikogo account information into the software. Please see this article for steps on how to do this.

If you do not have a Mikogo account and you want to start sessions, you can create a free account here.

After entering your user details, click on the start symbol  start symbol and then the button Start Session.

When the session starts the Participant List will open – this is where you get the Session ID, the Login Link for the participants as well as the Session Password (if you set a Session Password)


To send an email invitation to your participants, click on the schedule4.png button.

In the Participant List you can see the names of the participants that  joined your session. For security reasons the session is ended automatically if no participants are connected within 30 minutes after you start a session.


For a full walk-through, watch the video below.



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