Use a mobile device to share the screen

For example, if you use an iPad, you can also split the iPad's screen additionally.

To split the iPad screen, you need the Snapview app, which you can download from the AppStore.


Once you have downloaded the app, open it.

Then select the "Scan QR Code".


Info: Allow access to the camera.

In the next step, in the Mikogo session on the computer, click on the three dots at the bottom right and select "QR Code for Screen-Sharing".


A QR code is displayed on your monitor, which you scan with the iPad.


After scanning the QR code, you need to press the dot in the middle of the screen once on the iPad.


A small menu will open; there select Snapview and press "Start Broadcast".


A timer will count down from 3; then the iPad's screen will be shared into Mikogo.

When you want to stop the transfer, press the center of the screen again or the red dot in the upper right corner.


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