How do I schedule a Mikogo PureWeb session?

With the session planner you have the possibility to plan your Mikogo PureWeb sessions and invite your participants in advance.

You can access the Session Planner by clicking on "Session Scheduler" on the left side.

The session planner overview will then open.

To schedule a new session, click on "Plan session" in the upper right corner.


After you click on "Plan session", a small window will open.

You have the possibility to set the date, time, duration (Attention: if you plan for example a meeting from 12:00 - 13:00, you have to enter 12:00 in the field "Time" and 01:00 in the field "Duration").

Title of the meeting, as well as a password can also be set.

In addition, you have the options to select the two check boxes "Create invitation mail" and "Create calendar entry".

If you select "Create invitation email", your default email program will automatically open after you click on "Ok" with an invitation email containing all details about the meeting.

If you select "Create calendar entry", an .ics file will be created and downloaded containing all the details of the meeting.


After you schedule the session, it appears in the Session Scheduler.

From there, you can manage the scheduled session and start the session.


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