My company logo has disappeared in Mikogo 5

When updating from Mikogo 4 to Mikogo 5, in some cases the company logo that you uploaded may disappear from your Mikogo panel. In order to make your logo appear in the software as it did before, please follow these steps:


  1. Open the Mikogo 5 client after the update and go to Account Information.

  2. Log into MyAccount in your browser and navigate to "Features Settings" in the left hand bar. Delete the Company Logo there.

  3. Return to the Mikogo 5 client Account Information and click OK.

  4. Right-click the Mikogo icon in the taskbar to Exit the Mikogo Client completely.

  5. Return to MyAccount and upload your Company Logo again.

  6. Start Mikogo. Your logo should now appear in the software panel.

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