Release Notes

This page details the changes that have taken place within the Mikogo software in separate releases. Below you will find a detailed list of all the issues that have been fixed, along with a few known issues that we are working on resolving.


Current Version:

Release Notes

Mikogo 5.10.0 (released on 2018-05-24)


  • 64-bit application for compatibility with future macOS versions 10.14+

Previous Versions:


Mikogo 5.9.1 (released on 2018-01-16)



  • Application hang on macOS 10.13.x High Sierra



Mikogo 5.9.0 (released on 2017-10-23) and iOS 1.2 (released on 2017-10-06)


Major Changes:

  • We now fully support Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple macOS X High Sierra and Apple iOS 11.
  • Security improvements.



  • As a user, I expect my current credentials and proxy information are taken over automatically on Microsoft Windows
  • As a participant using the Mikogo-viewer, I get connected into a session even when the presenter does not transmit anything
  • If the presenter shows an application which is currently minimized, the viewing window should still show the previously shared application's last capture
  • As a participant, who has moved the viewing window on a different monitor than the primary, I don't expect that in case of a resizing event the viewing window appears again on the primary monitor
  • As a presenter, I expect that hiding "taskbar and system windows" hides the start menu in Windows 10
  • A presenter with Windows 8 and higher should not have the option to disable Windows Aero Effect
  • As an IT admin, I want to align the HTML-Viewer look & feel to the partner’s CI
  • Improved the panel feature's security
  • Improved the session key exchanged between client and server
  • Improved security in Mikogo 5.4.1 client
  • The new application now supports iOS 11 for both iPhone and iPad
  • The iOS App user interface has been updated for a better usability
  • Presenter scale can now be set to a default value for all sessions via the settings tab
  • The level of logging can be configured very flexible



  • In Windows 10 the background is shining through the window border region of a shared application
  • Windows 10 specific menus/panels (which can be opened from the taskbar) are leaked
  • In Win 8.1 and 10, the Start Menu, Cortana Search and Action Center are leaked if they overlap with a shared application from the Application Selection
  • When a specific application is shared and closed, the desktop is shown for a minute before stop sharing occurs
  • Client produces flicker of the whole system and increases CPU usage of the shared application when monitor 2 is selected
  • The viewer pointer is placed at the wrong position
  • If there is a shared window visible and we scroll through windows in task bar in Windows 8 and above, the new "preview feature" can be used to reveal hidden contents
  • Whiteboard and Annotation Tool produce the drawings twice when magnification is applied for 'Share My screen' option
  • For specific application shared, Whiteboard and Annotation Tool have an offset with the drawings and they are doubled in some constellations
  • Image distortions and artefacts are present on the transmitted frame when capturing some applications
  • "Share the screen" is not present, but monitors checkboxes are shown in some constellations
  • In Mac, files transferred or recorded files are not saved as expected
  • In macOS High Sierra, Mikogo stopped working
  • Application selection does not properly show Microsoft Edge
  • API client does not prevent the starting of sessions without prior reservation
  • The presenters mouse cursor is not visible anymore during a session in some constellations
  • Issue in traditional application selection when two monitors with very different resolutions are used
  • When control channel is under pressure the presenter's signal to (un)share the primary and secondary screen leads to an inconsistency in the screen transmission (broken graphic)
  • When a long application (height>width) is shared the preview/back monitor should not enlarge the area of the Application Sharing drawer
  • HTML Viewer stops processing join requests presenter cannot transmit screen contents
  • Improved the sharing of monitors in special screen configurations.
  • Unselecting Desktop in the application selection doesn't hide the desktop
  • HTML Viewer proxy issues
  • HTML Viewer stops interacting with browsers when the limit of number of participants reached for an organizer, the session is dropped for all HTML Viewer participants of all sessions when another participant tries to join
  • Switch Presenter does not work and then the client crashes in some rare constellations



Mikogo 5.4.1 (released on 2016-07-05)

Improvements and fixed issues:

  • We have added a short text “View only” before the participant name in the Presenter and Control dropdown menus which indicates that a participant has joined the session via the HTML-Viewer.
  • As organizer I want that the location field (.ics) contains an additional hint on the phone conference information (if applicable) when I add a scheduled session to my Calendar
  • As a participant using the dial-in telco, I want that the countries are listed in alphabetical order
  • The Settings button is permanently moved from the main toolbar into the session control bar
  • As a presenter, I can more easily recognize that a participant cannot become a Presenter or take the Remote Control as they use the HTML-Viewer (view only mode)
  • In the Windows version of Mikogo the layout of the Application Selection prevented the presenter from using the multiple-monitor selection. This has been observed for the following cases.
    • If the presenter has a high resolution monitor and uses a magnification level greater than 100%.
  • When having a magnification level greater than 125% the layout of the Scheduler prevented the organizer from accessing the button to create a scheduled session.
  • In Mac OS X 10.10 and 10.11 the color selection window for changing the participant color did not work properly..
  • Email invitation for scheduled session inconsistency in German translation (subject <-> body)
  • Typo in VoIP related error message
  • The client application has to consider user name having non-Ascii characters and consider this when handling file paths
  • Viewer Pointer not visible to participants when Mikogo panel is hidden and Aero effect is switched off
  • Typo in DE Whiteboard Toolbox
  • Typo in Russian invitation email
  • In Mac 10.10.1, 'Change color' does not have 'OK' 'Cancel' labels and the changing color on the participant end has no effect in the Viewer pointer
  • Change in participant color not updated to other participants
  • In Mac 10.10.2, When change color is clicked as a Presenter on his name, sometimes the host crashes
  • Incorrect Swedish Translation for closing session message
  • Session invitation email does not contain the telco dial-in numbers
  • In Mac 10.11, Color Picker is not displayed properly and labels are missing
  • Application Selection does not enable to share a 2nd screen when desktop layout is set to "Portrait"
  • Typos in German translation for remote control dialogue
  • Mikogo viewer does not consider the correct target URL for the redirection after a free session ended
  • If 'Hide Account Registration window' is available, then also the viewer client FALSELY redirects to a landing web page



Mikogo 5.3.1 (released on 2015-11-09)

Major Changes:

We made a couple of changes in the Mikogo software to reflect this month’s changes to our new pricing model and the process of starting a session:

  • To start a session, Mikogo users must first enter their registered account details.
  • The free Mikogo account is now free for both commercial and private use, and thus we adjusted the “Free Version Notification” texts in the software to reflect these pricing model changes appropriately.


Mikogo 5.3 (released for Windows on 2015-08-28)

Major Changes:


  • We have reintroduced the “Presenter Scale” feature which allows a session presenter with a high-DPI display setting (e.g. Full-HD or 4K) to scale down the size of the transmitted screen to save bandwidth and hence improve the speed of your screen sharing. This option can be found during a session in the Settings panel.
  • We have improved Mikogo to work better in network environments which have a low uplink throughput (upload rate between 128 kbit/s and 192 kbit/s).

Fixed Issues:

Sending email invitations from Mikogo through Outlook 2007 does not function
In Mikogo version 5.1 and 5.2, the sending of email invitations was not working correctly when using Outlook 2007 or lower as the default email program. This has been fixed in version 5.3.

On Windows 7 the Viewer Pointer is not visible to participants when Mikogo is hidden
If you have a Windows 7 computer, with the default setting "Disable Windows Aero Effect" enabled, and the Mikogo panel is also hidden via the Application Selection feature, then the Viewer Pointer is not visible to other participants even though it is visible on the presenter's desktop. This has been fixed in version 5.3.

In rare cases Mikogo crashed on the presenter’s computer soon after occupying the memory to a high degree
With some Windows 7 computers Mikogo had a problem which resulted in using a large amount of memory. In such cases the presenter’s screens would flash repeatedly during a session and then the software would crash. This has been fixed in version 5.3


Mikogo 5.2 (released on 2015-03-17)

Major Changes:


  • We have turned Mikogo into a DPI-aware application under Windows. This will make the UI look consistently good across a wide variety of high-DPI display settings. The Mikogo Panel will adjust with the magnification level, so that text and UI content are resized and displayed properly.
  • Mikogo is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).

Combined Session Recording for Mac and Windows

  • This software version can record both the audio track of all VoIP participants and the screen transmission.
  • The session participants are notified when a session is being recorded.
  • Furthermore, the session player is required to play back the recording. The file extension will be “mik”, which is our own proprietary recording file format.

Fixed Issues:

On Windows 8.1 the Screen-Sharing-Service does not function
In Mikogo version 5.0 and 5.1, launching the Screen-Sharing-Service does not work on Windows 8.1. This has now been fixed in version 5.2 and is beneficial for remote control sessions if you want to access system dialogs and applications that require special privileges.

Sometimes when starting a session, the Mikogo Panel is temporarily unresponsive
If you are about to connect into a session, the panel of Mikogo version 5.1 sometimes froze up for a few seconds on Windows. This has been fixed.

Known Issues:

Under special circumstances, some users are unable to share multiple monitors
If you have set the desktop layout to "Portrait" or if you have arranged multiple monitors in a vertical configuration, the checkboxes to hide/share your monitors are unavailable in the Mikogo UI.

Remote control is not working if only the secondary monitor is shared
If you are running a remote support session where the remote computer is connected to two monitors and only the second monitor is selected in the application selection to be shared, the user controlling the computer remotely cannot type or click inside the second monitor.

Turning off group chat does not work properly
When turning off group chat, the feature is not switched off as expected. The meeting participants are still able to chat to "All", rather than only to the meeting organizer as expected. There is a possible workaround available: After turning group chat on and off one more time, the changes are applied and it will work as expected.

Mikogo System Tray Menu cannot be accessed under Citrix XenApp
When in an ICA session, users cannot access the Mikogo system tray icon nor the menu in order to exit the application.

WINDOWS key gets stuck during remote support sessions
If you are in a remote support session and send a Windows key command like "Windows Key + R" while typing, the Windows key on the remote system gets stuck. There is one way to solve this issue on the remote computer: the user on the remote computer needs to leave the Mikogo session, exit the Mikogo application completely, and then press "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" on their keyboard to release the stuck Windows key. Once this is done, they can then join the Mikogo session again.

Participants cannot see the mouse cursor in the viewing window after the presenter switches user accounts
A participant is unable to see the presenter’s mouse cursor moving over the remote screen when the presenter is currently presenting a Windows account which differs from the Windows account which the session was initiated on (i.e. when the presenter has switched user accounts on their computer during the Mikogo session).

A session password containing special characters results in an invalid email invitation link to ""
If the organizer schedules a password protected session containing special characters (e.g. <,>,+,&,ä,ö,ü, etc.) the hyperlink in the email invitation will not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version, the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo\. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: The organizer or presenter can enable every application under Application Selection within the software to ensure that participants can see all applications and windows on the presenter’s screen.


Mikogo 5.1 (released on 2014-12-17)

Major Changes:

Improvements in the Session Scheduler

  • We have re-implemented the option to include the Phone Conference Information (which is integrated into the Mikogo UI) when scheduling a session. This allows the meeting organizer to email the conference dial-in numbers to their participants.
  • In order to simplify the scheduling function, we have removed the UTC based time zones from the Scheduler and now use the time zone information that is provided by the meeting organizer’s operating system (e.g. “W. Europe Time”, “Mountain Time”). Furthermore, the waiting lounge window will no longer convert the meeting start time into the local time of the participant, but instead will display the start time and time zone information set by the meeting organizer.
  • A meeting organizer who resides in North America, Australia, India or the Philippines can now schedule their session by using a 12-hour clock instead of the 24-hour clock.
  • The new “Add to Calendar” feature allows the meeting organizer to add a scheduled session into their calendar (e.g. Outlook, Firebird, Mac Calendar) where they can then send email invitations to participants with the full meeting details.

Automatic detection of the proxy in the network (only for Windows)

  • This software version can automatically lookup the proxy server in a corporate network by reading an automatic-configuration script (WPAD or PAC file).
  • Furthermore, the user can switch between the new connection options from within the Mikogo Settings drawer: Automatically detect settings (default), use automatic configuration script, or use a proxy server.

Fixed Issues:

Mouse clicks don’t work inside Chrome during remote support session
If you are hosting a remote support session and want to remotely click inside a Chrome browser window which is running on the remote computer, it does not work. This has been fixed.

Sometimes Mikogo does not recognize the audio device
Sometimes a VoIP conference session could not be started or joined because the users’ audio devices were not detected. This has been fixed.

In the Mac Version the remote keyboard combination "Cmd+Q" has been changed
When remotely controlling a Mac computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Cmd+Q” key command has been replaced by “Cmd+K” which enables server connections.

In the Windows Version the remote keyboard combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” has been changed
For times when a user is remotely controlling a Windows computer, the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key command has been replaced by “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” which allows the user to open up the Windows Task Manager.

Translation improvements
Many texts for the different languages of the software user interface were updated and translation inconsistencies were fixed. These updates were applied to the Mikogo software texts for Dutch, many of the Scandinavian languages, as well as many of the Asian languages.

The Session Reminder did not accept e-mail addresses for which the domain ends in two characters
E-mail addresses where the domain included only two characters were detected as invalid e-mail addresses by the Mikogo Session Reminder. This has been fixed.

Known issues:

The text in the Mikogo Panel becomes unreadable if the magnification level is at 125% or higher (especially under Windows 8 or when using a high-res monitor)
There is a possible workaround available for this: Windows users can go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Display > Change the magnification level to “Smaller - 100% (default).

Under special circumstances, some users are unable to share multiple monitors
If you have set the desktop layout to "Portrait" or if you have arranged multiple monitors in a vertical configuration the checkboxes to hide/share your monitors are unavailable in the Mikogo UI.

Remotely control is not working if only the secondary monitor is shared
If you are running a remote support session where the remote computer has two connected monitors and only the second monitor is selected in the application selection to be shared, the user controlling the distant computer remotely cannot type or click inside the second monitor.

Turning off group chat does not work properly
When turning off group chat, the feature is not switched off as expected. The meeting participants are still able to chat to "All", rather than only to the meeting organizer as expected. There is a possible workaround available: After turning group chat on and off one more time, the changes are applied and it will work as expected.

Mikogo System Tray Menu cannot be accessed under Citrix XenApp
When in an ICA session, users cannot access Mikogo’s system tray icon nor the menu in order to exit the application.

WINDOWS key gets stuck during remote support sessions
If you do a remote support session and send a Windows key command like "Windows Key + R" while typing, the Windows key on the remote system gets stuck. There is one way to solve this issue on the remote computer: the user on the remote computer needs to leave the Mikogo session, exit the Mikogo application completely, and then press "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" on their keyboard to release the stuck Windows key. Once this is done, they can then join the Mikogo session again.

Participants cannot see the mouse cursor in the viewing window after the presenter switches user accounts
A participant is unable to see the presenter’s mouse cursor moving over the remote screen in the case when the presenter is currently presenting a Windows account which differs from the Windows account from which the session was initiated on (I.e. when the presenter has switched user accounts on their computer during the Mikogo session).

A session password containing special characters results in an invalid email invitation link to ""
If the organizer schedules a password protected session containing special characters (e.g. <>+&äöü etc.) the hyperlink in the email invitation will not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo\. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: the organizer or presenter can enable every application under Application Selection within the software to ensure the participants can see all applications and windows on the presenter’s screen.


Mikogo 5.0 (Released on 2014-02-12)

Major Changes:

Voice Conferencing (Telephone) numbers now available for Windows and Mac
The Mikogo voice conferencing telephone numbers are now provided in the software interface making it possible to simultaneously share the voice conference details, such as dial-in numbers and instructions, with all participants in a screen sharing session.

Voice Conferencing (VoIP) now available for Windows and Mac
The new VoIP feature has been officially launched and included in this version enabling users and their participants to speak with each other when using a Windows or a Mac computer. The VoIP feature has been removed from v4.7 since the completion of that beta phase.

Voice Conferencing (VoIP) with “Advanced Audio Settings”
The VoIP feature offers advanced settings which can be accessed via the "cogwheel icon" in the Voice Conferencing drawer title bar. It allows you to regulate the sensitivity of your microphone and helps to eliminate background noises or echoes produced from the users’ speakers. Further settings include “Noise Reduction” and “Echo Cancellation”.

Support for Macs with Retina Display
This software version allows you to host a screen sharing session from a Mac computer with Retina Display.

OS Compatibility Improvements
Version 5 is 100% compatible with both Windows 8 and 8.1, and with Apple’s latest operating system, OS X Mavericks

Fixed Issues:

On Windows 8 the Mikogo Screen Service does not function
In Mikogo version 4 launching the Mikogo Screen Service does not work on Windows 8. This has now been fixed in version 5.0 and is beneficial for remote control sessions if you want to access system dialogs and applications that require special privileges.

Sometimes the “Processing…” overlay message appears and blocks the Panel
In rare cases this overlay message is displayed on top of the Mikogo Panel making it impossible to further control the application. This has been fixed.

File Transfer: open file dialog did not show external devices
Transferring files from devices other than the local hard disks, such as network folders, is not possible through the Open File dialog in version 4.7.1. This has been fixed.

Preferred storage location is not considered if option "Automatically start Screen Recording" is used for starting a session
If the default storage location to store a recorded file has been changed and if the profile option "Automatically start Screen Recording" was selected, then Mikogo stores the recorded file to the default storage location instead of the preferred one. This has been fixed.

Waiting room image is not always displayed
If the user has added a custom waiting lounge image, it only works intermittently. Sometimes the custom image would be displayed to the participants; sometimes the default image would be displayed. This has been fixed.

Translations and cosmetic improvements
Many texts for the different languages of the software user interface were updated. We have fixed many issues when lines of text were exceeding the available space in the GUI. Furthermore the invitation emails have been translated into German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, French, Russian and Chinese.

Known issues:

Mouse clicks don’t work inside Chrome during remote support session
When you’re hosting a remote session, you are unable to click inside a Chrome browser window which is running on the remote computer. Workaround: If you encounter this issue you could use certain keyboard commands (e.g. Press “Tab” to cycle through the input fields).

Sometimes Mikogo does not recognize the audio device
Sometimes a VoIP conference session cannot be started or joined because audio devices are not detected. If you encounter such an issue please contact our support team to report the details, e.g. version of the operating system, type of headset (USB headset or traditional jacks), manufacturer and model of sound card and/or headset.

Under special circumstances, users are unable to share multiple monitors
If you have set the desktop layout to "Portrait" or if you have arranged multiple monitors in a vertical configuration the checkboxes to hide/share your screens are unavailable.

Mikogo System Tray Menu cannot be accessed under Citrix XenApp
When in an ICA session, users cannot access Mikogo’s system tray icon nor the menu in order to exit the application.

The proxy detection does not work when the proxy data is specified in a PAC file
If proxy data is provided via a proxy auto-configuration file (PAC), the current Mikogo version is not able to make an automatic detection for dialing out.

WINDOWS key gets stuck during remote support session
If you do a remote session and send a Windows key command like "WindowsKey + r" while typing, the Windows key on the remote system gets stuck. There is a workaround to solve this issue on the remote system: end Mikogo completely and press "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" and the key is no longer stuck.

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
A participant is unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen in the case when the presenter is currently presenting a windows account which differs from the windows account from which the session was initiated on i.e. when the presenter has switched users on their computer.

A session password containing special characters results in an invalid email invitation link to ""
If the organizer schedules a password protected session containing special characters (e.g. <>+&äöü etc.) the hyperlink in the email invitation will not work.

In the Mac Version the remote keyboard combination "Cmd+Q" is faulty
When remotely controlling a Mac computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Cmd+Q” key command does not work.

In the Windows Version the remote keyboard combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” is faulty
When remotely controlling a Windows computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key command does not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo 4. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: please make sure that the viewer can see all applications and windows by enabling every application under Application Selection within the software.


Mikogo 4.7 (Released on 2013-04-19)

Major Changes:

Voice Conferencing (Beta) now available for Windows and Mac
A new VoIP feature is included in this version making it possible to speak with your participants when using a Windows or a Mac computer. Please be aware that the VoIP feature is still in beta and we reserve the right to remove this feature again when the beta phase is over.

Voice Conferencing (Beta) now includes an improved “Audio Quality Control” bar
The two separate controls for Quality Level and Fine-tuning (from the previous version) have been simplified into a single bar.

Voice Conferencing (Beta) now provides “Advanced Audio Settings”
The VoIP feature offers advanced settings to let you regulate the sensitivity of your microphone which helps eliminate background noises or echoes produced from the user’s speakers. Further settings include “Noise Reduction” and “Echo Cancellation”.

Translation of the Voice Conferencing (Beta) feature into many languages
The VoIP feature is now available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Latvian, Czech, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Maltese, Greek, Serbian, Arabic, Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese.

Major Bug Fixes:

  • The Mac version was blocked because of certificate issues (Unidentified developer)
    Due to security settings that were introduced in OS X 10.7 (Lion) and OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) it was not possible to run Mikogo. This has been fixed.
  • Several stability fixes
    Several features in the software have been improved (e.g. File Transfer, Switch Presenter, and Voice Conferencing) to increase the reliability and overall performance.

Fixed Issues:

Security fix in re-connection process
When the user is disconnected from the Internet during a session, we identified a very rare case where the presenter’s screen transmission would not cease properly even though the presenter has ended the Mikogo session. This has been fixed.

Several stability fixes
At times the Mikogo application would suddenly freeze if the role of presenter was switched while sharing the whiteboard or transferring a file. In some cases when a file was transferred from a Windows computer to a Mac, the Mikogo Mac version would even crash. These problems have been fixed.

In the Mac version the “File Transfer - Open File” command can lead to the software crashing
Selecting a file to be transferred via the Open File command can at times cause the application to crash. This has been fixed.

The default setting for the Mac Version "Recording Location" is wrong
When you are about to record a session for the first time, the 'Browse for folder' text displayed an incorrect path (Macintosh HD > Users > your username > Applications > Mikogo > Contents > MacOS). This has been fixed.

In the Session Scheduler the option “Remind me” is without function
In the case when the organizer has entered an email address in order to be reminded of a scheduled session, the email notification was never sent out. This has been fixed.

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
At times, a participant who was granted remote control was unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen. This occurred in the following cases, both of which have been fixed:

  • When the Organizer started the session with the Support Profile (Initial Viewing Direction: View & Control)
  • When a Windows User Access Control dialog (UAC) appears on the presenter’s screen

The service files for the connection program (portable version) cannot be removed
After exiting the Mikogo application, the service files would remain on the user’s computer in the same location as the application program (e.g. directly on the desktop besides the Mikogo “M” icon). This has been fixed.

In the participant list sometimes the screen names were not properly updated
In the case that the organizer renames a participant or in the case when remote control was transferred to a participant, the control field in the participant list drawer sometimes showed a blank entry or the name of a different participant. This has been fixed.

In rare cases the screen transmission stopped
If the organizer wanted to leave the session but kept the session running between the other participants and later decided to return to the session, the screen sharing transmission would cease. This has been fixed.

Cosmetic improvements
We have fixed some issues when lines of texts were exceeding the available space in the GUI and also some images which were not displayed correctly.

Known issues:

The proxy detection does not work when the proxy data is specified in a PAC file
If proxy data is provided via a proxy auto-configuration file (PAC), the current Mikogo version is not able to make an automatic detection for dialing out.

WINDOWS key gets stuck during remote support session
If you do a remote session and send a Windows key command like "WindowsKey + r" while typing, the Windows key on the remote system gets stuck. There is a workaround to solve this issue on the remote system: end Mikogo completely and press "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" and the key is no longer stuck.

Under Windows 8 it is not possible to enable the capturing service
Launching the capturing service during a session (Settings / Preferences / Enable Service) is not working on Windows 8. There is a workaround: Start Mikogo by right-clicking the application icon and then select “Run As Administrator”. Then the capturing service will work as expected.

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
A participant is unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen in the case when the presenter is currently presenting a windows account which differs from the windows account from which the session was initiated on i.e. when the presenter has switched users on their computer.

A session password containing special characters results in an invalid email invitation link to ""
If the organizer schedules a password protected session containing special characters (e.g. <>+&äöü etc.) the hyperlink in the email invitation will not work.

In the Mac Version the remote keyboard combination "Cmd+Q" is faulty
When remotely controlling a Mac computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Cmd+Q” key command does not work.

In the Windows version the Participant List sometimes displays the wrong participant dot color
If a participant is using a client version 4.3 and another participant is using the latest version the assigned color dots are displayed as black.

In the Windows Version the remote keyboard combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” is faulty
When remotely controlling a Windows computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key command does not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo 4. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: please make sure that the viewer can see all applications and windows by enabling every application under Application Selection within the software.

Missing Translations
There are some new lines of text added to the latest Mikogo version user interface which have not been translated in a few of the languages, and hence these lines remain in English and are to be translated for the next update.


Mikogo 4.6 (Released on 2013-01-24)

Major Bug Fixes:

  • Security fix in re-connection process
    When the Internet connection is temporarily interrupted during a session, we have identified a very rare case where the presenter’s screen transmission does not cease properly even though the presenter has closed the session in the Mikogo application. This has been fixed.
  • Several stability fixes
    Sometimes when switching the presenter role to another participant while sharing the whiteboard or transferring a file, the Mikogo application would suddenly stop working. In some cases when a file was transferred from a Windows computer to a Mac computer, the Mac version resulted in a crash. These problems have been fixed.
  • In the Mac version the File Transfer Open File action can lead to the software crashing
    Adding a file for transfer via the Open File action can at times result in a crash. Workaround: Use drag and drop for adding files for a transfer.
  • The default setting for "Recording Location" under Mac is wrong
    When you are about to record a session for the first time, the 'Browse for folder'-dialogue displayed a faulty path (Macintosh HD > Users > your username > Applications > Mikogo > Contents > MacOS). This has been fixed.

Major Changes:

  • When the organizer starts the software the Account Information drawer automatically opens if the user has not yet entered their account details.
  • In the organizer software, the name of the account holder is now displayed in the bottom of the Mikogo Panel.
  • Participants who join a session with the free version of Mikogo are also presented with the features available in the business plans. However these are just presented as a preview:
    • Session Scheduler
    • Profile Manager
    • Whiteboard
    • Application Selection
    • Recording
  • There has been an update to the Session Scheduler regarding the dial-in numbers for the audio conferencing service which can be used in conjunction with a Mikogo session. Please visit to find the complete list of dial-in numbers.

Fixed Issues:

In the Session Scheduler the option “Remind me” is without function
In the case when the organizer has entered an email address in order to be reminded of a scheduled session, the email notification was never sent out. This has been fixed.

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
At times, a participant who was granted remote control was unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen. This occurred in the following cases, both of which have been fixed:

  • When the Organizer started the session with the Support Profile (Initial Viewing Direction: View & Control)
  • When a Windows User Access Control dialog (UAC) appears on the presenter’s screen

The service files for the connection program (portable version) cannot be removed
After exiting the Mikogo application, the service files would remain on the user’s computer in the same location as the application program (e.g. directly on the desktop besides the Mikogo “M” icon). This has been fixed.

In the participant list sometimes the screen names were not properly updated
In the case that the organizer renames a participant or in the case when remote control was transferred to a participant, the control field in the participant list drawer sometimes showed a blank entry or the name of a different participant. This has been fixed.

In rare cases the screen transmission stopped
If the organizer wanted to leave the session but kept the session running between the other participants and later decided to return to the session, the screen sharing transmission would cease. This has been fixed.

Cosmetic improvements
We have fixed some issues when lines of texts were exceeding the available space in the GUI and also some images which were not displayed correctly.

Known issues:

The proxy detection does not work when the proxy data is specified in a PAC file
If proxy data is provided via a proxy auto-configuration file (PAC), the current Mikogo version is not able to make an automatic detection for dialing out.

WINDOWS key gets stuck during remote support session
If you do a remote session and send a Windows key command like "WindowsKey + r" while typing, the Windows key on the remote system gets stuck. There is a workaround to solve this issue on the remote system: end Mikogo completely and press "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" and the key is no longer stuck.

Under Windows 8 it is not possible to enable the capturing service
Launching the capturing service during a session (Settings / Preferences / Enable Service) is not working on Windows 8. There is a workaround: Start Mikogo by right-clicking the application icon and then select “Run As Administrator”. Then the capturing service will work as expected.

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
A participant is unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen in the case when the presenter is currently presenting a windows account which differs from the windows account from which the session was initiated on i.e. when the presenter has switched users on their computer.

A session password containing special characters results in an invalid email invitation link to ""
If the organizer schedules a password protected session containing special characters (e.g. <>+&äöü etc.) the hyperlink in the email invitation will not work.

In the Mac Version the remote keyboard combination "Cmd+Q" is faulty
When remotely controlling a Mac computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Cmd+Q” key command does not work.

In the Windows version the Participant List sometimes displays the wrong participant dot color
If a participant is using a client version 4.3 and another participant is using the latest version the assigned color dots are displayed as black.

In the Windows Version the remote keyboard combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” is faulty
When remotely controlling a Windows computer the remote keyboard combination for sending the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key command does not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo 4. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: please make sure that the viewer can see all applications and windows by enabling every application under Application Selection within the software.

Missing Translations
There are some new lines of text added to the latest Mikogo version user interface which have not been translated in a few of the languages, and hence these lines remain in English and are to be translated for the next update.


Mikogo 4.5 (Released on 2012-01-23)

Major Changes:

  • The color-scheme of the Mikogo user interface is now blue and green.
  • Fixed several issues in the server and client to improve the stability and performance.
  • As soon as someone starts the Mikogo application it will request Administrator Rights when the current Windows user account has Administrator Privileges. A User Access Control (UAC) window will pop up and if the user confirms the window, Mikogo will also start its Service. Only if the Service is running is it possible for a user to gain full administrative access over a remote Windows computer. This is needed when someone wants to access areas of the PC which require certain rights, such as in the case of a remote IT support session (e.g. installation/setup routines).
  • The Mikogo Panel is now enabled by default in the Application Selection drawer of the software in order to improve usability. This is useful during a remote support session when the support technician, who has remote control over your computer, is not aware that the Mikogo Panel is potentially blocking mouse clicks in this area of the desktop.

Fixed Issues:

Mouse cursor is not displayed in the viewing window during times of remote control
In some cases when a participant is granted remote control he is unable to see the mouse cursor moving over the remote screen.

At times communication to the conferencing server is not possible for the Mac version
If the software cannot establish a TCP connection via port 443 it is not possible to start or join sessions. An error message is then displayed: “No communication to server possible”.

In the Windows version some functions are not possible while the service is running
When the service is running, in the Participant List the command button “Email Session Information” is will not work. When transferring a file the drag and drop operation does not work properly. Furthermore it is not possible to open hyperlinks (provided in “Account Information” and balloon help tips). When a new version is available for download, the upgrade notification does not work – instead of redirecting to the download page on the website, nothing happens.

The File Transfer possesses some usability errors
It is not possible to cancel a transfer for all recipients when several participants are in the transfer queue. Furthermore the progress bars remain visible after a file transfer is complete.

During a remote control session it is sometimes not possible to perform drag and drop operations on the remote computer
When the presenter hides the taskbar in the Application Selection it becomes impossible to let the participant, who has remote control rights, perform a drag and drop operation on the remote computer. The participant is unable to drag and drop a file on the remote computer because it sticks to the mouse cursor.

In the Windows version the Participant List displays the wrong colors next to participant names
A participant is sometimes assigned the same color dot as that of the presenter. This has been fixed.

For the Windows version the blue shapes/boxes that appear under Microsoft Office Applications, MS Explorer and ODBC control panel have been fixed
In a few cases, some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain child windows in MS Word, Excel, Explorer and ODBC control panel) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not ticked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. This has been fixed.

Known issues:

In the Mac version the File Transfer Open File action can lead to the software crashing
Adding a file for transfer via the Open File action can at times result in a crash. Workaround: Use drag and drop for adding files for a transfer.

In the Windows version the Participant List sometimes displays the wrong participant dot color
If a participant is using an old client version and another participant is using the latest version 4.5 the assigned color dots are displayed as black.

In the Windows version it is not possible to open hyperlinks in Chrome
While the service is running it is not possible to open hyperlinks (provided in “Account Information” and balloon help tips) when the computer’s default browser is Chrome.

In the Windows Version the Remote Keyboard Combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” is faulty
When remotely controlling a Windows computer the Remote Keyboard Combination for sending the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key command does not work.

When a Mac user is remotely controlling and typing on a Windows computer, several keys are misinterpreted
In this case, many special characters (e.g.: *,´,(,),+,-) are misinterpreted and not displayed correctly on the remote Windows computer.

In the Windows version the Mikogo Installer does not handle user accounts that contain Unicode characters
The starter program tries to copy files to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Mikogo 4. The username is omitted and the installation procedure fails.

When a user is remotely controlling a Windows computer and a UAC window appears on the presenter’s screen, the mouse cursor disappears for the user who has remote control
The mouse cursor will become invisible when you move it on the presenter’s screen. As a workaround the UAC window must be handled by operating the keyboard.

In rare cases some window elements are transmitted as blue shapes
In rare cases some control elements (e.g. drop-down menus, or certain application/system windows) are not shown to the viewer if the presenter has not checked the “Show All” checkbox within “Application Selection”. There is a possible workaround available for this: please make sure that the viewer can see all applications and windows by enabling every application under Application Selection within the software.

Missing Translations
There are some new lines of text added to the latest Mikogo version user interface which have not been translated in a few of the languages, and hence these lines remain in English and are to be translated for the next update.

For the Mac version multiple monitors are not supported
The Mac versions currently do not allow the user to share multiple screens. This feature is currently only available for the Windows version.


4.3.110804 (Released on 2011-08-10)

Fixed issues:

Participant list is sometimes not correctly updated
If a participant has set an emoticon in the participant list, e.g. the “hand signal” and the presenter role is being switched back and forth continuously, sometimes the emoticon is lost. This problem also occurs at times if a participant’s name has been changed.

Lock Session icon sometimes shows a false state
In rare cases – e.g. when switching presenter back and forth continuously – the “Lock Session” icon sometimes appears as if it is “Unlocked” although the session is in fact locked.

Infinite loop exists when there is no internet connection available
The software was going into an endless loop of attempting to establish a connection even when there was clearly no Internet connection present. This was particularly problematic when the software was configured to run on computer startup. Now the process of establishing a connection only takes place if it is required to connect to the server. It is also now possible to close the window that asks the user to enter proxy data.

Full compatibility with Mac OS X Lion (10.7)
As the presenter it was previously not possible to share your screen under OS X Lion. Mikogo’s screen sharing is now supported with Mac OS X 10.5 and higher versions. Furthermore the key combination “Apple-A” did not work in previous versions of Mikogo. This has now been fixed.

4.2.110707 (Released on 2011-07-20)

Fixed issues:

Connectivity problems with Microsoft ForeFront TMG / Webproxy 
Users that ran the Mikogo software in a corporate network which is secured by a Threat Management Gateway / Proxy server solution (MS ForeFront TMG) may have experienced connectivity problems and therefore could not participate in a session.

Distorted Transmission
Transmission was distorted when switching back from dual monitor mode.

Multi-Monitor Crashing
Rare crashes when changing multi-monitor settings on Windows have been eradicated.

Switch Presenter crashing on Mac
In some rare cases when the presenter role was switched back and forth the Mac program crashed.

Switch Presenter caused a distorted screen in HTML Viewer
The remote screen in the HTML viewer would get distorted after switching presenters with different screen resolutions.

When remote controlling a Windows computer UAC popup windows were hidden
If the meeting organizer has started a session and enabled the “Service” under Settings / Preferences, it is now possible to give another participant remote control and let the participant access the UAC popup windows on the remote screen in order to enter the authentication data.


In the Session Scheduler the form fields were not accepting changes
In the Mac version the drop-down boxes for changing the session details remain empty after selecting a different value. This has been fixed.

4.1.110616 (Released on 2011-06-17)

Fixed issues:

Improved stability and performance

  • Software client crashes for Windows and Mac version have been solved.
  • Session stability has been improved significantly.
  • Sometimes a session between a Windows and Mac computer crashed. This has now been resolved.
  • Sometimes in the screen transmission the viewers saw “graphic glitches”. This has now been resolved.
  • In Settings the option ‘Instant Screen build-up’ had a defect. This has now been resolved.
  • An initial “connection test” now takes place which locks the user interface for a couple of seconds in order to make sure that this process is not interrupted. A short “processing” message appears to inform the user.

Usability improvements

  • User interface related bugs for the Participant List and for the Whiteboard have been solved.
  • Added the Remote Keyboard Combinations for when a Mac computer is being remotely-controlled.
  • HTML Viewer title bar and end session dialog have been added.
  • Translations have been corrected in multiple places.
  • The software now supports 36 languages incl. Croatian as a new language.

Entering wrong account data resulted in obtaining no features
In rare cases when the user credentials were invalid but could not be validated by the application it was possible that a session could be started but there were no features present during that session.

Participant connection program could not connect when a proxy was used
The participant connection program (Viewer.exe) was not able to automatically detect the appropriate proxy settings in the network.

Application Selection translations were not updated when the language was switched
After switching the interface language the list items in the ‘Application Selection drawer’ were not updated to the appropriate display language.

Remote Control did not work properly with Remote Desktop Protocol/Terminal Server Sessions
When the viewer had remote control and started a session on the presenter’s computer the viewer was asked to log in, but could not type the password because the application did not transmit the keyboard commands to the Remote Desktop login window that was running on the presenter’s computer.

Some keyboard combinations were not working in a remote control session
Marking of text was not possible by using Shift-Right-Arrow, Shift-Left-Arrow, Shift-Up-Arrow, Shift-Down-Arrow. Some keys (like Alt, Ctrl) sometimes “hang”, i.e. are not released properly on the remote computer although they have been released on the local computer.

After switching presenter the ‘Lock Session’ button disappeared
When a participant joined and became the presenter the lock session command button disappeared. But the presenter should always be able to lock a session in order to decide if new guests are allowed to join, which is now the case.

With a multi-monitor setup the notification switching presenter did not show the proper screen state
If a participant has two monitors and is asked to become presenter a notification window is displayed. After choosing the ‘Application Selection’ a preview section appears which indicates the screen settings that are being transmitted. According to the respective checkboxes below only the Primary Monitor should be presented by default, but the Secondary Monitor was also shown.


4.0.110322 (Released on 2011-03-22)

Fixed issues:

Misleading warning dialog even when internet connection is available
In a rare case (config.ini is not present) a dialog appears notifying the user that a connection failure has occurred although a direct internet connection is in fact available.

Up to three prompts when entering proxy credentials
When a proxy is being used to connect to the internet and entering authentication data is required, in some cases the application asks (i.e. when testing all proxy types: https proxy, socks proxy, web proxy) the user to enter the credentials three times.

Misleading notification window when joining a locked session
The message has been corrected to: “Failed to join the session. Session has been locked.”

Participant Pointer is occasionally not shown on Mac Version
When the Mikogo panel is not selected the Participant Pointer was not being shown on the Presenter’s screen.

Dual Monitor transmission does not function properly on Mac
When applying a secondary monitor the screen transmission is distorted.

Misleading notification window for maximum number of participants
If a participant joins a session that has reached the maximum number of guests, the notification message is misleading to the user.

After switching language some menu items are still displayed in the previous language
The menu items for the ‘Eraser’ button in the ‘Whiteboard’ drawer are not being updated after the language is changed.

Profile Manager contains Windows specific options which are not applicable for the Mac
In the ‘Profile Manager’ drawer the ‘Preferences’ tab contains ‘Application Selection’ configuration items which are not available in the Mac version.

Session Player temporary freezes when opening large files
When large files (e.g. greater than 100MB) are being opened the Session Player does not display a loading notification and seems to not respond.

Features disappear when many participants are in one session
In some cases when many guests have joined and left a session the provided features in the application have disappeared.

Infinite loop when approving the built-in user account confirmation dialog
If a wrong username or password is entered in the ‘Account information’ drawer the user is still able to start a session using the built-in free account via the ‘Start Session’ drawer. But the dialog that appears ends up in an infinitive loop if the user clicks on ‘Yes’.

After switching presenter the wallpaper disappears
After a participant receives a request to become presenter and accepts, their desktop background turns black. But in the ‘Application Selection’ drawer, the “Desktop-Background” is enabled.

In some cases the user cannot be authenticated behind a web proxy
If the proxy settings cannot be retrieved from the Microsoft Internet Explorer network configuration settings the application is unable to establish an internet connection in order to authenticate the user.

User specific files on the Mac cannot be found in expected location
The user specific files like Config.ini and Connection log files are saved in the Applications folder under the path. This path is changed to a more common place: {User}\Library\Application Support\{Appname}

Bosnian language is missing
If the display language is switched to Bosnian the language appears in English.

In some cases switch presenter causes the application to crash
When the presenter role is switched to a participant or it is initially switched by using a custom profile (‘Initial viewing direction’ set to ‘View & Control’) the application exits unexpectedly.

Whiteboard/File-Save-dialog appears under drawings on the Mac
Saving a drawing from the Whiteboard is difficult because the Save-File dialog is displayed in the layer behind the drawing.

The “end session” popup window appears on organizer’s screen when leaving session
After the organizer leaves a session that has been started with the initial viewing direction to view the participant’s desktop, the organizer will get a popup window being displayed offering a hyperlink to download the full version. But this popup should only appear to users who have run the participant connection program (Viewer.exe).

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